Arts & Darts
First Contact
A month ago a gray flag mysteriously appeared hanging out front of the Rabbit Hole Art Gallery. One day later, the phone calls started. Each with the same computerized voice but from different countries.
All with a similar request, they wanted to commission me to do a piece that shows the Anonymous Collective in a historical light.
They gave me time to consider.
Three weeks later the phone calls came back and they wanted to know my thoughts. I said yes. I was intrigued. To celebrate, if you will, they hacked my computer and sent a message of congratulations.
The next morning I show up at my studio to see that a whole roll of canvas has been printed out. Over that evening they printed out the collection that they wanted me to show.
The painting they were first alerted about was a digital media piece printed on canvas, the subject matter intrigued them. What they saw was a large depiction of people wearing the Guy Fawkes masks also known as anonymous. This sparked their interest and the deep dive began.
I am still baffled and waiting to hear more.